Water conservation Poem/World Water Day/

                                        World Water Day                                                                               (22 nd March )

Do you know today is WORLD WATER DAY ? I think many of wouldn't.  To know read below.
" World Water Day thats 22nd March is an annual UN
observance day considering water conservation and
advocating water crisis. The first water day was observed in
1993. Themes are opted for each year celebration. The
theme for 2020 is " Water and Climate Change" which
explores how both the issues are intrinsically related.
                  "Thousands have lived without Love ,
                     But no one without water."💦💦 
Water is indispensable to our survival. Hence, the day bestows an opportunity to learn more about water related issues, be inspired to tell others and take actions to make a difference.  A poem on water conservation is attested below please have a look.👇

 ''Save water, save water'' I said to my friends ,
But they were interested in the latest fashion trends.

I said save water or tomorrow you'll pay ,
But they ignored and were planning to visit the paradise bay.

I thought of a lesson of save water them to teach 
By a critical real scenario and not by a boring speech.

One day I closed the main water supply tap to let them know ,
The importance of water and they all cried like thirsty

Some uploaded photos,stories via Insta hashtag water scarcity,
Some quarlled over water bottles as it became their top priority.

It was a hilarious moment to see,
I feel sorry you were not there else you would have agree.

The taps were made open, 
and their humanity to save water woken.

That's how I motivated my friends 
And this where the poem ends.☺

By Bhavya Sharma

So friends water is a vital resource hence this water day let's take a pledge to save water 💧
Be safe and save water.

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